Custom Software Development – Our Methodology and List of features we deliver to our clients
Our team of experts can develop software tailored to your business needs. With us, not only will you get the professional team which can ship the top-quality software in the short time frame, but you will also get a team of consultants, who will go into details when designing the processes, which then translate into the final solution. That way, you can be assured that the software is fully compliant with your business processes.
We convert MS Access to Web based applications and help a lot of clients to achieve the most productive way for them and to improve their bottom line.
Our team consist of multiple developer experts such as: MS Access developers, Dot Net Developers and Alpha AnyWhere developers as well.
In addition, we provide Remote DBA services specializing in MS SQL, MySQL and Andrea DB, while helping our clients to design and optimize their database in the best possible way. Part of our methodology is to re-use of our code and components we developed, which enables us a better code efficiency, that eventually leads to significant cuts in development lead time.
We are experienced in variety of different business areas and feel free to contact us to discuss your requirements and just call us at: 732-536-4765

Part of our software development process is not to reinvent the wheel:
Part of our software development methodology is not to reinvent the wheel and implement re-usable controls/objects that have been developed already.
In addition, in order to get up with the speed of the development of the project, we use commercial framework that was paid for. This way we inherent a lot of features which are built into the framework and saves at least 50% of the development.
In addition, there are many development parts which are included in our ERP – our product. This way it can be implement as RAD – Rapid Application Development into any new custom software development.
SDLC as Software Development Life Cycle as our methodology:
The function of the SDLC is to save time and money during the process of developing custom software while also ensuring top quality. Really, most software projects fall victim to the same series of mistakes. So the process is put in place to help developers avoid those classic errors. This allows the design team to reach two goals that are usually at odds with one another: quality and speed/cost.
The SDLC helps to define the software requirements in advance. This sets in motion a process that allows the application to be designed, developed, tested, and deployed with minimal interruptions. By following the six steps of the software development life cycle, you can eliminate the redundancies that waste time and money while also creating the best possible software.
For more information please check this article: SDLC as Software Development Life Cycle, Increases Quality Speed and Reduces Cost:
We developed our own business module which includes an Email engine:
We developed our own business module which includes an Email engine that provides a lot of benefits compared to a regular email. Schedule email to promote products and services and a repeat that in any different way.
The reason we developed this email engine was, since our clients complained that for every marketing campaign, they had to pay someone else substantial amount of money. With our email engine, the clients control every possible aspect of the marketing campaign.
It saves time and money and all records are saved in MS SQL database engine. It opens up a lot of opportunities to track down products and provided a lot of reports while using Power BI to analyze any campaign.
List of features we deliver to our clients:
Multi-Tenancy Application:
- Tenant management.
- Assign tenants to different editions.
- Integrate your SaaS Application with payment gateway like Stripe or PayPal.
- Invoicing for payments.
- Subscription management.
- Recurring payments.
- Dashboard for income statistics.
- Tenant-level customization (custom logo and CSS).
Authentication & Authorization
- User & Role management.
- Advanced Permission management on user, role and organization unit level.
- Login, register, password reset, email validation pages.
- Social medial logins (Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Microsoft Account).
- Open Id Connect Authentication.
- Two Factor Authentication.
- User Lockout.
- LDAP/Active Directory support.
- User and Tenant impersonation.
- Logging of the login attempts.
- Password complexity settings.
- User Delegation.
- Session Timeout and Lock Screen.
Additional Functionalities we provide:
- Automated Email and SMS sending.
- Global search.
- Real-time chat.
- Validation.
- Displaying history for every entity.
- Detailed logging.
- Caching.
- Audit/security logging.
- Support for multiple time zones.
Mobile Applications:
The mobile application is fully integrated with the main app. Solid architecture enables us to re-use the code written for the main application, which results in faster lead development times.
- Cross-platform (iOS & Android) mobile application.
- Fully integrated with the main (web application) via API.
- Re-usable code.
Other Capabilities we provide:
- Multi-language support.
- Users can modify the translations.
- Personalization (on user and tenant level).
- Background jobs (with Hangfire integration).
- Real-time push notification system.
- GraphQL API.
Our team can also integrate your new system with the existing ERP, CRM, QuickBooks or any other system you might use.
Please Contact Us and will be glad to discuss your requirements.