Alpha Five Software Developer, Rapid Software Development With Alpha AnyWhere

We specialize in developing and maintaining custom database applications while using Alpha Anywhere software, formerly known as Alpha Five. We have more than 30 years of experience providing custom software development to variety of clients including the Avis Car Rental company.

As Alpha AnyWhere developers we have tremendous experience in developing variety of accounting systems such as payroll system as fund accounting. Develop custom ERP to different repair service companies and integrated to some accounting packages as well. In our staff we have an Alpha Five developer as a CPA. He is MS SQL expert and is involved with our ERP development efforts.

Alpha Database

When it comes to managing large amounts of data efficiently, the Alpha database reigns supreme. This innovative database solution offers unrivaled performance and scalability, making it the go-to choice for businesses of all sizes. With advanced features such as real-time analytics and seamless integration with other applications, Alpha database allows users to make informed decisions quickly and easily. Whether you're a small startup or a multinational corporation, Alpha database has the tools you need to stay ahead of the competition. Say goodbye to data bottlenecks and hello to streamlined operations with Alpha database.

Whether you're a small startup or a multinational corporation, Alpha database has the tools you need to stay ahead of the competition.

Yes, the Avis the Car Rental company has chosen us to be their software developers. We re-did their contract manager software while using Alpha Anywhere software development engine. You may see the Avis Car Rental software part 2 in our videos library page.

In addition, we maintained their database for the Avis Car Rental to be fully optimized as we provide Remote DBA services for 24/7.
You may check these additional videos for web site development and SQL Consulting Services we provide.
The success of the application development should start from the ground up by creating the Software Requirements Specification at first. This way we work on the need analysis and the database design based of your business rules. The correct way is to create the foundation in order to complete the software development process successfully which is tailored to your specific needs.

Develop Software Efficiently:

In today's rapidly changing business environment application flexibility and short development cycles are exceptionally important. Alpha Five's component based architecture easily reduces development time by two hundred percent. The ability to quickly design, update and deploy custom software components throughout the application life cycle is a real asset in today's challenging business environment. The awareness that a software application needs to change and grow with your business is frequently neglected when considering a development platform for a new mission critical.

Sample Alpha AnyWhere Applications:

1. No Interest Loan for Non Profit organization

The No Interest Loan is an accounting software and dunning letters management which was developed using the Alpha Five software development tool and MS SQL database engine. It handles Free Interest Loan for students. It handles payment collections as it is done in collections agencies. Also improved collection for about 40%.

2. Car Rental Software - Contract Manager For Avis Car Rental.

We developed a web based solution for Avis Company in north NJ, USA. Currently there are 30 locations that use the Avis Car Rental Contract manager software, implemented as of December 2014. Integrated into the web based software is signature technology.  You can find more detailed info for the Car Rental Software and call us if you have any more questions you may have at: 732-536-4765.

Alpha Five Software Development:

No matter how small a project there is always at least one business rule, procedure or function which makes it unique. Often software projects fail because the language you select has the possibility to limit the success of the project. Alpha Five's fully developed language is a complete and robust which means that you can solve practically any coding situations a developer comes across. Substantial support for string manipulation, XML handling, File IO, array management and a lot more means a very minimum of 3rd party tools are necessary to accomplish each of the common steps a developer may require. Built-in FTP and Email clients, support for JSON, CSS, and JavaScript means an extensive development environment for today's development demands. Alpha Five does code less AJAX which is extremely productive for website development and especially when there is database at the back end.

We can migrate your old application into a web based that can run on your mobile devices or your desktop computer. Having thought to get productive and convert your Access to web? We can do that for you either using your ms access database or design a new MS SQL database based on your specification.

Alpha Five Deployment:

A rather simple, easy Web and Mobile "publishing" approach means users have access immediately to the most current changes of the software. When developing a desktop application the same publishing environment makes getting updates to the user faster and easier.

Alpha Five hides a great deal of the development challenges by generating much of the code on your behalf - notably JavaScript, the de facto language on the web. Popup windows, data validation, mouse over text, image manipulation, and conditional display and CSS control are all based on methods that require no coding or understanding of the underlying JavaScript or xBasic language. Then again, when you must incorporate that custom bit of functionality, Alpha Five enables you to make use of a deep event model for both Client and Server Side web development. Alpha Five Programmer can help you to develop your application rapidly and efficiently while the database is fully optimized.

This video shows a searh engine which was developed using Alpha Five and MS SQL database as the back end

As Alpha Five Software Developers We Use MS SQL Database As The Back End

As software developers we are always looking to use the most productive environment to save time and reduce project costs. This can be particularly true when migrating a Microsoft Access application to the web. If you are thinking of migrating your desktop application to the web we can take your MS Access system to a complete web app using Alpha Five without having to change the underlying database in any way. Need a mobile app? We can migrate your desktop application to a mobile app running on an iPad and any other tablets.

Call us at: 732-536-4765 if you need to run your application in any mobile device.

Improve Your Application Performance Using Alpha Five Development Software

The database design is both the bedrock and the foundation of a solid application. Our database experts can craft your Alpha Five the database that delivers the flexibility and stability you need. Often less experienced developers will create a dazzling front end and neglect the data structure, we have seen this many times. No matter what the development environment is, the database must be designed for maximum performance and scalability. When we create a new system or re- engineer a desktop application use sophisticated data modeling tools to design your system just as an architect uses a computer to design a building. Our Alpha five systems easily integrate these properly designed databases with applications that have all the functionality and flexibility a modern software application is expected to provide giving you the fast and productive software you should expect.

Custom Software Development tailored to your needs:

Whether updating a system based on an MS Access database, MS SQL, MySQL, DB2 or Oracle give us a call so we can show you how you can save money while getting a feature rich custom developed project that will grow and adapt with your company. We developed projects in all kind of industries including banking, finance, education, government agencies, local government, architectures, entertainment industry and media. Call us for our free consultation for our custom software development services.


Mobile Application Development

We provide custom software development New Jersey as for desktop and as web based application. In addition, for mobile devices we offer mobile application development tailored to your specific needs. You can view an accounting application we developed for non-profit organization as no Interest Loan. If you have any old application that should be re-developed and re-designed then please contact our Custom Software Application New York department and will be glad to discuss with you about all options available. Our mobile application developer New Jersey can assist you with the initial specs of your application.

We are serving all over the globe and Feel free to contact us and our Alpha Five Developer can assist remotely or on site.


Technologies we use

Dot Net, Alpha Five, Java Script,  MS SQL 2016 or lower, MySQL database,  SSIS - SQL Server Integration Services and MS Access.

Call us at: 732-536-4765 if you need
help to convert your old application or looking for
Alpha AnyWhere Developers.

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