What types of businesses can benefit from putting their MS Access Database in the Cloud?

  • Global companies – mobile application development will bring your business closer together.

  • Businesses with multiple offices – real-time updates eliminate conflicts.

  • Companies with sales reps – keep your mobile employees connected to the headquarters.

  • Any industry that allows employees to work remotely.

Why Your Business Needs to become an Access to SQL Convert?

Not convinced yet? Let’s think about a few reasons you might decide to stick with MS Access for your database.

  • Your business is small, perhaps just you without any employees or freelancers, and it only operates in one location.

  • You do not intend to grow your business, so you do not need the scalability of an online database.

  • Real-time information does not affect your business decisions.

  • You don’t mind paying for the in-house hardware to run your database.

  • You don’t require web or mobile applications for your business or your customers.

  • You don’t have a massive database (using MS Access for big data may slow performance).

You can see from these concepts why you may decide to have your business become an Access to SQL convert. You simply don’t want to tie your hands, so that future expansion of the business is always possible without a major systems overhaul. Why wait until you are growing and then stall the progress while you wait to convert Access to MS SQL?

Mobile Application Development:

When you convert Access to web, you gain the power to work from tablets and smartphones. Your staff and customers are no doubt already using these devices. It's time to give your employees and users real-time access from their mobile devices. Mobile application development empowers your salespersons, transport staff, and remote employees with the ability to be more productive and keep up to date with inventory and other vital information.

Convert Access to SQL:

MS SQL Express is a free version of Microsoft's top database engine. You will notice the difference in processing speed right away when you make the switch. Are you uncertain as to whether Microsoft SQL Express has all the features you need? Paid versions with additional features ensure that your Microsoft SQL database will meet all of your company's expanding needs well into the future. For more info, please check out our article Convert Access to SQL. We can take your MS Access and convert to SQL for a better-secured database engine.

Help from MS Access Developers for Moving MS Access to the Cloud:

When you are moving MS Access to the cloud, you want the help of experienced MS Access developers who are also highly qualified at MS SQL. This will ensure that the process is smooth. There are a number of steps to making this move from a desktop database to the web. Here are a few things that need to happen:

  1. Data migration (this is also a good time to dedupe your data to improve system performance.) Dedupe - means to remove duplicate data.
  2. Redevelop queries that cannot be migrated naturally.
  3. Redevelop forms to create an intuitive and modern interface for users.
  4. Update reports to provide you with useable data.
  5. Transfer any programming that was originally written in Visual Basic to your SQL database.

While there are migration services from Microsoft that can help speed up the processes, there are things that will not migrate automatically. This is why a professional database consultant is strongly recommended when you decide to make the switch.

The Consequences of Not Converting MS Access to Web Based Applications:

We live in a world where no one wants to wait anymore. You need access to your database 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, not only for your staff but also for your customers. Don't lose out on this opportunity to gain a competitive edge and provide a better service. If you fail to convert MS Access to MS SQL, you’re falling behind your competitors who have already taken their business applications online and mobile.

Let Us Help You Convert Access to Web:

Our staff is experienced in migrating to web-based applications. Our mobile application development team will help to customize an app that will enable your staff to be more productive and give your customers an engaging experience that will build loyalty in your brand.

Software development services we provide:

Don't wait! Call 732-536-4765 for a free consultation.
We'll show you how to instantly make
your organization more productive.

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

Can I convert MS Access to MS SQL?

Yes, there are multiple tools available in order to convert MS Access to the MS SQL server. All these tools help decrease the time required for migrating from the MS Access database to the MS SQL server database. Microsoft has a tool to help upsizxe from MS Access to MS SQL as follows:

Microsoft SQL Server Migration Assistant for MS Access - SSMA:
For more details about this subject please check this article: How To Convert or Migrate MS Access database to SQL Server.

What types of applications can be built when you convert MS Access to MS SQL?

When you convert MS Access to MS SQL, there is no limit to the type of applications one can build: Inventory control, accounting, contact management, Purchase Order management, warehouse  management, and your own email engine utilizing MS SQL database and much more.

For instance, some companies find that certain accounting software packages don’t have the flexibility to serve their accounting requirements. They also choose to create custom Access apps that are designed specifically for their business requirements.  In some cases you may develop a custom ERP to match all the requirements for the line of productions and that's include all steps of the product creation and update the inventory control of raw material and accounting integration.

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