What Is SRS Documentation Beneficial For?

The SRS document serves a number of purposes.

  1. Outlines what the client expects from the software development company - When such a business requirements document is in place, there are fewer misunderstandings. The software company knows exactly what is expected by the client. The client knows if something changes or needs to be added beyond what the document states, it is likely to incur additional expense. This leads to fewer surprises when the client sees the final product and receives the final invoice.
  2. Project scope and price estimate – When the SRS defines the scope of the project to the level of the micro detail, it is guaranteed to provide an accurate cost and time frame to complete the all assignments designed for the project. This allows the software development company to offer a high-quality service while the client receives custom software development on time and on budget. Consider the Software Requirements Specification as the blue print for the project.
  3. Data definition saves time – When the software developer can refer to a clear and precise data dictionary, projects are completed faster. They also only need to be done once because all the specs are readily available as reference.
  4. Expectations can be met or exceeded – It is always our goal at The Farber Consulting Group Inc. to meet or even exceed the expectations of our clients. Discovery documents are what allow us to reach that goal. We understand exactly what you want, and you have documentation that shows precisely what you are getting. That means everyone is happy at the end of the project. Plus, the document serves as a guideline. It isn’t written in stone. The client can always take things in another direction, and we are happy to be flexible as long as the client realizes that the cost and time frame of the project will have to be adjusted to meet the additional tasks requested.

Here are some guidelines we follow as: Custom software development 10 steps to engage with the client.

Do We Have a Business Requirements Document Template?

Every company has their own way of performing SRS, meaning that you have the information collected in varying ways depending on the vendor. Some like to speak verbally and then put the requirements down in writing. Others have a form for the client to fill out and then they only talk if there are additional questions based on the responses.

At the Farber Consulting Group, we like a more personal touch with our clients. We always interview the client which allows ideas to flow freely. You may not even realize that your company requires certain things from the database until we are having the conversation. By the end of the interview, we don’t just know what you expect from us at the end of the project, but we know how things will proceed from day to day from the start of the project until its competition. This can provide you peace of mind, knowing that your project is in good hands and that you, as our client, are very important to us.

Types of Requirements that Are Documented:

There are a few elements that will be part of the discovery process.

  • Functionality – What does your company need the database to do?
  • Data Dictionary – This includes all of the ER diagram information such as the entities, relationships, and other vital documentation that allows for a clean running database with no duplicate data.
  • External Interfaces – How will users interact with the software? What devices are used, and what other software must interact with the database? This reduces the risk of conflicts.
  • Performance – What do you expect from the database in terms of speed, accuracy, scalability, security, maintenance, etc.?
  • Implementation – How will the system be implemented (especially if it is replacing an existing database)? What constraints exist such as limited resources or system environments?

Begin Your Software Requirements Specification Today!

Hopefully, seeing how thorough our SRS documentation is helping you to see how important it is to us to meet the individual needs of each business we work with. Are you ready to get your database project going? Set up an appointment today to start the discovery process.

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