Visual Warehouse – Combined with barcode gun scanners:

If you are a manufacturer, we can streamline your entire production process—from raw materials to finished products. Our solution ensures no inventory is ever misplaced, and you can track every item in your supply chain from anywhere in the world. As we customize your ERP system, we ensure your database is fully optimized for maximum performance and efficiency.

Our visual warehouse solution, combined with barcode gun scanners, revolutionizes modern inventory management. This approach integrates automated inventory control with your ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system, creating a seamless, highly efficient process that boosts accuracy, speed, and visibility across your warehouse operations.

Visual Warehouse – Digital Mapping of your Physical Warehouse:

A visual warehouse is a digital mapping of your physical warehouse, where the entire layout is translated into a live, interactive floor plan. This real-time digital representation is seamlessly linked to your ERP system, centralizing all inventory data in one place. As a result, you get instant updates on the location, quantity, and status of every item in your warehouse. This real-time data enables warehouse managers and staff to track and manage inventory with unprecedented efficiency, improving accuracy and decision-making.

With the visual warehouse, managers and staff can easily click on any storage location within the floor plan to instantly view the inventory details in that area through a pop-up window. This intuitive visual approach gives users a comprehensive overview of the entire warehouse, making it easy to see where every item is stored, down to specific locations such as high shelves or hard-to-reach spots—even the roof. This level of visibility ensures nothing is misplaced, and stock can be retrieved quickly when needed.

ERP for inventory management - Floor Plan Locations are Color coded:

The below pop-up with items shows up after clicking on the multiple drum storage location:

In a modern warehouse setting, a visual floor plan is an essential tool for efficient inventory management, particularly when integrated with an ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system. Locations on the floor plan are color-coded to provide a real-time snapshot of inventory status, streamlining the workflow for warehouse staff. When a location is highlighted in green, it indicates that there are items stored in that specific area. This visual representation reassures workers that inventory is available and ready for order fulfillment, replenishment, or other operational needs. The green color signifies that stock levels are sufficient, allowing for smooth and uninterrupted processes.

However, when a location is highlighted in yellow, it serves as a critical warning. Yellow indicates that at least one item in that specific location is out of stock. This alert is linked to the ERP system, which tracks stock levels in real time. The ERP ensures that as soon as an item reaches zero inventory, the floor plan reflects this with a yellow highlight, allowing warehouse staff to immediately address the issue. This color-coded system helps teams prioritize restocking efforts and avoid potential delays in order fulfillment.

By using the ERP-integrated visual floor plan, warehouse operations become more efficient and responsive. Employees can quickly identify where stock is available or missing without manually checking each aisle. This system optimizes resource allocation, reduces downtime, and enhances the overall accuracy and productivity of inventory management.

Warehouse management and get inventory from any location visually.

An inventory control alert system:

In reality when an item gets to a point without any inventory, that could be due to supply chain issues, or lake of raw material to produce the item.

An inventory control alert system ensures optimal stock levels by monitoring inventory in real-time. When stock for a particular item drops below a specified threshold, as set by the warehouse manager, the system triggers an alert. This alert is sent directly to the warehouse manager via email or SMS, notifying them that the inventory has reached a low level and action is required. Additionally, the system can be configured to automatically issue a purchase order to the specified vendor for replenishment. This proactive approach prevents stockouts and ensures smooth operations by maintaining consistent inventory levels. Customizable settings allow managers to adjust thresholds and vendor details, ensuring flexibility and efficiency.

The Role of Barcode Gun Scanners:

Barcode gun scanners are handheld devices used to scan barcodes attached to inventory items. These scanners play a crucial role in automated inventory management.

By quickly and accurately capturing data about products. When a barcode is scanned, the data is immediately updated in the ERP inventory management system, which then reflects the changes on the live floor plan.

This integration ensures that every movement of inventory—whether it’s an item being received, moved, or shipped—is tracked in real-time. As a result, warehouse staff can rely on the visual representation of the warehouse to find items without having to physically search for them. The live floor plan dynamically adjusts to show the current status of inventory, helping to avoid common issues such as overstocking, stockouts, and misplaced items.

ERP Integration with QuickBooks:

Integration with QuickBooks adds another layer of efficiency to your warehouse management system. By seamlessly linking your visual warehouse and ERP system with QuickBooks, all inventory data is automatically synced with your financials.

This integration ensures that every item movement—whether it’s incoming stock, shipments, or returns—automatically updates your accounting records. It eliminates the need for manual data entry, reduces the risk of errors, and provides real-time insights into both inventory and financial performance.

With QuickBooks integration, you can manage your warehouse and finances in one cohesive system, streamlining workflows and improving overall business efficiency. Please check the Benefits of Quickbooks integration into our ERP.

ERP for Inventory Management: Streamline and Optimize

ERP systems for inventory management enhance operational efficiency by integrating real-time updates, visual mapping, and automated data input. With features like visual warehouse mapping, businesses can view their entire inventory at a glance, boosting accuracy and reducing human error.

Integrated with barcode gun scanners, ERPs ensure that every movement of inventory is tracked in real time, providing location-specific details. These systems also offer real-time analytics, allowing businesses to optimize stock levels, avoid overstocking or stockouts, and improve decision-making.

Top Inventory Features:

Enhanced Inventory Control:

The visual warehouse provides a bird's-eye view of the entire inventory system, allowing for more precise control over stock levels.

Managers can quickly identify overstocked, understocked, or misplaced items, optimizing storage and reducing holding costs.

Real-Time Analytics Reporting:

Integrated with the ERP system, the visual warehouse not only provides live inventory tracking but also generates real-time reports and analytics.

This feature allows for better forecasting, planning, and resource allocation, helping businesses stay ahead of demand and reduce waste.

Easy Access to Data:

The visual interface simplifies data retrieval. Whether you’re checking inventory status, monitoring item movements, or looking for specific stock details, all data is just a click away.

This eliminates the need for manual searches and minimizes the risk of human error.

Improved Operational Efficiency:

With the live floor plan and real-time updates, warehouse staff can save significant time locating items, reducing retrieval times and boosting productivity.

The ability to visualize stock locations directly contributes to faster order fulfilment and enhanced customer satisfaction.

Location-Specific Inventory Tracking:

Unlike traditional systems that only provide textual or numerical data, the visual warehouse highlights specific storage locations for each item.

This eliminates guesswork and improves inventory accuracy by offering a precise, visual representation of where each item is stored in the warehouse..


Whether your warehouse operations expand locally or globally, the visual warehouse can easily scale with your business.

As new storage locations are added, they can be configured into the system, ensuring continued operational efficiency even as your warehouse footprint grows.

Benefits of Automated Inventory Management:


  • Visual Warehouse Mapping - Digitally map your physical warehouse, visualizing each storage location and viewing inventory in real time.
  • ERP Integration - Our ERP systems centralize inventory management, procurement, sales, and finance into one holistic platform.
  • Automated Data Input - Use barcode gun scanners to instantly update inventory data across your ERP system, ensuring real-time accuracy.
  • Global Inventory Access - Track and manage your inventory remotely from any location in the world.
  • Streamlined Workflow - Automate stock alerts, inventory movements, and updates to reduce manual work and human errors.

FAQ - Visual Warehouse benefits

1. What is a visual warehouse?

A visual warehouse is a digital, interactive representation of your physical warehouse layout. It provides a real-time, centralized view of all inventory data through seamless integration with your ERP system. This allows you to see the exact location, quantity, and status of every item in your warehouse, down to the specific shelf or storage bin.

2. How do barcode scanners enhance inventory management in a visual warehouse?

Barcode scanners are essential for real-time inventory updates. When an item's barcode is scanned, its location and movement are instantly updated in the ERP system and reflected on the visual warehouse floor plan. This eliminates manual data entry, reduces errors, and ensures the digital warehouse accurately mirrors the physical inventory.

3. What are the key benefits of using a visual warehouse system?

A visual warehouse offers several benefits, including:

  • Enhanced Inventory Control: Get a clear overview of stock levels, easily identify overstocked or understocked items, and optimize storage space.
  • Real-time Analytics: Access live data and reports to make informed decisions about forecasting, planning, and resource allocation.
  • Improved Operational Efficiency: Locate items faster, reduce retrieval times, and boost overall productivity with real-time location tracking.
  • Reduced Errors: Minimize the risk of human error through automated data capture and inventory updates.

4. How does ERP integration enhance a visual warehouse system?

ERP integration connects your visual warehouse to other crucial business functions like procurement, sales, and finance. This creates a unified system where inventory data is automatically shared and updated across departments, leading to streamlined workflows, better communication, and improved decision-making.

5. Can a visual warehouse system integrate with QuickBooks?

Yes, integrating your visual warehouse and ERP system with QuickBooks provides a seamless flow of inventory data to your financial records. This automates accounting updates, eliminates manual data entry, and ensures accurate financial reporting.

6. What are some quantifiable results businesses have achieved with automated visual warehouse solutions?

Businesses utilizing automated visual warehouses have reported:

  • 70% reduction in inventory errors
  • 50% improvement in warehouse efficiency
  • 30% lower operational costs

7. Is a visual warehouse solution scalable for growing businesses?

Yes, visual warehouse solutions are designed to scale with your business. As you expand your warehouse space or add new locations, the system can be easily adjusted to incorporate these changes, ensuring continued efficiency and accurate inventory management.

8. Can I access my visual warehouse remotely?

Yes, you can access your visual warehouse and all its features remotely from any location with internet access. This allows for real-time inventory monitoring and management from anywhere in the world.
